I’ve rewritten this over and over again as I just don’t know what to say, about what's been happening over the last 3 months. The corona virus (I refuse to give it a capital letter) and lockdown has affected us all in many different ways and it has been devastating for so many and very worrying for us all and we can’t thank those enough, who have worked so hard to care for us all and are guiding and carrying us through it.
For us at home on our farm – we cracked on with lambing and our students were able to stay with us, as they are classed as essential workers and I was very careful looking after them and we were all ok. My daughter stayed in Edinburgh working for the legal firm that she works for and my son has been home schooled. Meanwhile, I’ve been sorting out the house – which was due for a big clear out, getting into the garden and cooking more from scratch – I even made Yorkshire puddings for the first time and pancakes, which I’ve not made for years! So it has been good to spend more time at home and be more of a traditional housewife and I've really enjoyed it – but I am ready to go back to work so I’m looking forward to finding the right balance!
I’ve been checking the shop once a week for insurance and carried out all our food shopping in Melrose High Street. Between Anderson's Fishmonger, Martin Baird Butcher, Purple Plum, The Country Kitchen, Abbey Wines and The Premier – we have eaten like kings and it will be a long time before the large supermarkets are back on my radar – if at all!
Now we have our website, which is very exciting and I can’t thank you all enough for all the support you have given us with the large number of orders we've received. I’ve really enjoyed putting together the parcels, writing a little thank you note and happily sending your parcel on its way.
So here we are – with just 1 sleep to go until we reopen tomorrow and I just wonder how business is going to be – I’m hoping many of you will pop by and support us as before and should you feel cautious venturing out – we have our website and you can give me a call as not everything is on there and I can send you images etc.
We’ve been running a massive sale – selling our spring and early summer stock at either 25% or 50% off so we can clear the decks for our autumn and winter stock arriving soon – can you believe it?!
So it’s an early night for me this evening and as typical of myself – I have no idea, what to wear tomorrow so I’ll need to have a look at our sale rails and make a purchase!
See you very soon and I look forward to hearing how you have all been and I really hope you have all kept well.
With love
Tania x